Processing loss is uncomfortable, not just for someone who has lost, but often for those close to that person as well. I have never suffered from the loss of a pregnancy or a child, but I’ve had friends who have. It’s hard to know how to support them and what, if anything, to say. My heart aches for my family … Read More
God is not “church”
I have been doing a lot of writing, but even more praying lately. I have been praying about many things. I have been praying for peace, for a calmness to extinguish my sorrow and rage. I have been praying for healing and wholeness… for my wounds and the wounded. I have been praying about what I should say, if anything, … Read More
What To Do When It’s Not “OK”
As some of you know, our family has been weathering some storms. It’s felt like we’re completely surrounded, attacked from every corner. What do you do when you find yourself in a small boat upon the angry sea during a violent storm? Anger has no benefit here. Grief and sorrow won’t do us any good. Swearing, finger pointing, name calling, … Read More
Fusion Crockpot Curry
Stewing beef can be uneven and tough and it’s important when sourcing and cooking your stewing beef to keep a few key things in mind. I source my meat from Aurora View Farms. Their meat is organically raised and grass fed. Seriously, this was the most tender stewing meat I’ve ever cooked and eaten. My entire family asked for seconds and … Read More
I Cried Today
(Note: I wrote this in five sittings over two days and I’m posting now because I want to actually post it but this really happened a few months ago)
Balsamic Maple Cross Rib Roast in the Crockpot
A cross rib roast is a square cut of meat that is a bit thicker at one end, has two or three rib bones and has alternating layers of lean meat and fat. It comes from the chuck primal cut, which is the area of the cow between the neck and the shoulder. I purchased my organic, grass fed cross rib … Read More